RVHS Library Plan

Welcome to the River Valley High School Library Plan
This is a snapshot of what the high school library is currently doing to support the Future Ready Librarian Framework and goals for the future.
If you have any questions about anything you see here, please contact Dede Holverson at dholverson@rvschools.org.

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Curates Digital Resources
Leads in the selection, integration, organization, and sharing of digital resources and tools to support transformational teaching and learning and develops the digital curation skills of others.
Builds Instructional Partnerships
Partners with educators to design and implement evidence-based curricula and assessments that integrate elements of deeper learning, critical thinking, information literacy, digital citizenship, creativity, innovation, and the active use of technology.
Empowers Students as Creators
Encourages and facilitates students to become increasingly self-directed as they create digital products of their learning that engage them in critical thinking, collaboration, and authentic real-world problem solving.
What we are doing:
The library media teacher develops curriculum and digital presentations to provide direct instruction with students on library skills ranging from the use of the online catalog (to select age appropriate and engaging books from a plethora of options), writing reviews, and understanding the significance of metadata in navigating online resources.
The library media teacher provides cross-curriculum instruction in the classroom to co-teach and support staff and student learning. Lessons are focused on teaching students how to use technology for ethical research and creation as well as digital citizenship, the risks of confirmation bias, understanding their digital footprint, and other aspects of Common Sense Media. Assists students with research and writing.
Google classroom is vital to our school district and is utilized in library lessons to share resources, receive content, collaborate, and teach students how to navigate Google suite to increase productivity in the classroom.
Goal: The goal of the library is to unpack the Information & Technology Literacy Standards while supporting classroom teachers with their specific content standards. Information & Technology Literacy Standards are district-wide K-12 standards broken down specifically at each building level (K-4; 5-8; 9-12) by the library media specialist. The goal of the library is to work with content and grade level teams to identify which standard is covered within their current curriculum as well as best practices for future instruction.

Personalized Professional Learning
Facilitates Personalized Professional Learning
Leads professional learning to cultivate broader understanding of the skills that comprise success in a digital age (e.g. critical thinking, information literacy, digital citizenship, technology).
What we are doing:
Our library provides professional learning support for high school staff through:
Individual work with staff to promote the use of technology in the classroom to enhance student experiences and growth.
Providing professional learning materials for staff professional development through books, articles, and videos.
Collaboration with administration and staff to evaluate training needs of students and staff.
Our librarian continues learning professionally by:
Attending CESA training and meetings to collaborate with area librarians to enhance library program and staff training.
Attending the Midwest Education Technology Summit to identify new technology resources and methods to enhance learning experiences for students and staff.
Being active with the Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association (WEMTA)
Being active with WiLS.
Collaborating with other school and public librarians and teachers to support intellectual freedom, diversity and equity in collection development and instruction.
Reading physical and digital professional publications in an effort to remain knowledgeable about current trends in library and information science including: trends in literature, intellectual freedom and censorship issues, digital literacy and citizenship, and best practices in school librarianship.

Robust Infrastructure
Ensures Equitable Digital Access
Provides and advocates for equitable access to collection tools using digital resources, programming, and services in support of the school district’s strategic vision.
What we are doing:
Our school covers a large rural area, and some students have slow working or no high speed access. Unfortunately, limited infrastructure in remote areas creates some inequality in educational opportunities.
One to one devices provide technology access for each student.
Computers in the library and computer labs are available to ensure all students have access to a physical computer with printing capabilities.
Updated wiring and access points to support one to one devices are evaluated regularly.
Information Technology staff are provided on campus to help with issues.
Content filtering for all devices on and off school grounds

Budget & Resources
Invests Strategically in Digital Resources
Leverages an understanding of school and community needs to identify and invest in digital resources such as books and eBooks to support student learning.
What we are doing:
The library media director looks at many factors when curating resources for the library to ensure a diverse collection of both physical and digital resources.
Teacher and student requests as well as curriculum needs drive the focus for much of our collection development including non-fiction databases and other materials needed to provide a breadth of resources to support research pursuits.
Quality resources are purchased with a consideration to longevity and breadth of use.
Our library receives money through Common School Funds.

Community Partnerships
Cultivates Community Partnerships
Cultivates partnerships within the school and local community (including families and caregivers, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, public and higher education libraries, businesses) to promote engagement and a community of readers.
What we are doing:
Our library actively promotes area public libraries and their programs.
Our library features community and alumni art and artifacts.
Our library houses a unique collection of archives specific to the Lower Wisconsin region:
Frank Lloyd Wright​
House on the Rock
Community publications not available for purchase or print.
Our library supports community partnerships and shared use of the high school library space.
Our library welcomes local businesses to collaborate and promote events that will enhance student learning and engagement.
Our library media teacher is certified to teach articulated and transcripted Communication and English courses through Madison College and Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in accordance with the Higher Learning Commission standards.
Our library teacher coordinates learning opportunities for students to work with local businesses creating practical and authentic experiences.

Data & Privacy
Advocates for Student Privacy
Teaches and promotes student data and privacy through his or her instruction and role as an educational leader.
What we are doing:
Our library media teacher works closely with the IT department to ensure student data and privacy are a top priority.
Regularly attends technology workshops to learn up to date information about student data and privacy.
Our library media teacher stays current on scholarly publications and recommended resources provided through Common Sense Media.
Our library media teacher designs lessons and activities for students that promote digital citizenship:
Responsible and ethical use of technology
The importance of secure passwords
Navigating safely online
Keeping personal information private

Use of Space & Time
Designs Collaborative Spaces
Provides flexible spaces that promote inquiry, creativity, collaboration, and community
What we are doing:
SPACE: Our high school library was recently renovated (2022) and has an inviting and warm atmosphere with plenty of windows for natural light, greenery, various group and individual seating options including a desk bike to encourage movement while studying or reading. The space includes two study rooms with windows for easy supervision and large digital screens for collaborative work. A smart TV is mounted in the main library space for news streaming and displaying school related information or events. Books are color coded and organized by genre for accessibility based on student interests. Uniform signage throughout the space reduces barriers to locating resources students need. Our library is supplied with manipulatives, puzzles and STEM activities for student exploration. There is a beautiful outside seating space with landscaping and a pergola to provide an alternate library experience. Our library is used by the school district for staff meetings and training as well as for community meetings and club activities.
TIME: The library media teacher is transcripted, teaching Public Speaking and co-teaching in English classes. Instructs freshmen in high school library media resources and teaches 9-12 digital literacy and citizenship. Conducts book conferences with English 10 students each semester regarding independent reading choices. Assigns English 10 grades for book conferences and reviews. Reads, edits, and approves Destiny Catalog student and staff book reviews. Assists students with writing, reading selection and analysis. Maintains the high school website and blog. Extensive collection analysis and research to maintain a balanced, equitable, and inclusive collection. Meets regularly with staff to determine technology, collection, and curriculum needs. Provides level one technical support for student one-to-one Chromebooks. Approximate breakdown of Library Media Teacher's time: 30% direct instruction, 50% collection maintenance and development, 15% student tutoring, assistance, and supervision, 5% general library management (budgeting/purchasing, community outreach, answering questions/calls).
The library aide is shared between three libraries and is at the high school approximately 20% of the time. The library aide is vital to processing books, shelving and checking materials in and out to the students as well as supervising students in the library.

Collaborative Leadership
Leads Beyond the Library
Participates in setting the school district’s vision and strategic plan for digital learning and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation to empower teachers and learners.
What we are doing:
Our librarian collaborates daily with teaching staff to promote library materials as well as co-teaching of lessons
Collaboration allows the classroom teacher and the librarian to use resources to benefit student learning
Our librarian sits on multiple committees to support the district and it's goals
Our librarian is active in the community and helps to organize events for the high school
Our librarian is an active participant in the English department Professional Learning Community
Works alongside IT to distribute, collect, and maintain student Chromebooks.
Assists staff daily with technology and instructional needs.
Our librarian attends curriculum and technology conferences to expand knowledge of instructional tools and best practices to assist staff in educational development.